Malichi Group Worldwide

Advancing Global Development Through Impact Investing™

©Strategic Export Assessment Metric (S.E.A.M)

Global Business Strategic Advisors
Global Business Strategic Advisors
What Will Take Up The Slack Of A Slumping Global Economy? Exports!

Exports are to grow about 5% in 2010, and they are poised to take off after that as economies around the globe shake off the recession and begin to expand again. Odds are it will take about four years for the transition, replacing the engine of consumer growth with other, smaller but potentially powerful, locomotives. Exports alone increased by $350 billion in the two-year period of 2006 and 2007; according to an October 2009 economic forecast of The Kiplinger Letter.
Is your company or industry poised for such growth and opportunities? Are you familiar with Free Trade Agreements (FTA) and how they can impact the exporting of your products and services abroad? How do you evaluate if your organization is export ready or ready for globalization? Whether you're a small-and-medium-sized enterprise (SME) or a middle-market company, Malichi Group Worldwide can help you answer these and other key critical questions through our leading Strategic Export Tools product offering:
©Strategic Export Assessment Metric (S.E.A.M)  

Malichi Group Worldwide's - S.E.A.M is a strategic global planning metric platform for U.S. and Foreign-based enterprises to determine how well their business is prepared for going global and/or expanding globally.

S.E.A.M was designed and developed by Malichi Group Worldwide to be an ongoing measurement of how competitive SMEs believe they are globally. Some of the measurements of assessment are: company profile, global marketing, industry, trade development (export/import), market access, trade barriers, trade promotion, government and foreign relations, and communicating overseas.   

♦ S.E.A.M a
ssesses an organization's export/import capabilities to determine its' export readiness or global expansion.
♦ S.E.A.M evaluates an organization's global management readiness for identifying cultural patterns, and for managing conflicts across borders. 

One way to improve your sales is by selling your product or service into an overseas market. Outside our borders are markets that represent 73% of the world’s purchasing power, 87% of its economic growth, and 95% of its consumers.

In a world of rapid change and an uncertain global economy, your ability to think, plan, and act strategically will have a greater impact on your organization's sales and profitability than anything else you do. Very often, a single change in your activities can lead to a major difference in your results. SMEs, C-level executives and business owners must practice continuous improvement in every area of their business and personal life.


What Will Take Up The Slack Of A Slumping Economy? Exports!

Exports are to grow about 5% in 2010, and they are poised to take off after that as economies around the globe shake off the recession and begin to expand again. Odds are it will take about four years for the transition, replacing the engine of consumer growth with other, smaller but potentially powerful, locomotives. Exports alone increased by $350 billion in the two-year period of 2006 and 2007; according to an October 2009 economic forecast of The Kiplinger Letter.
Is your company or industry poised for such growth and opportunities? Are you familiar with Free Trade Agreements (FTA) and how they can impact the exporting of your products and services abroad? How do you evaluate if your organization is export ready or ready for globalization? Whether you're a small-and-medium-sized enterprise (SME) or a middle-market company, Malichi Group Worldwide can help you answer these and other key critical questions through our leading Strategic Export Tools product offering:
©Strategic Export Assessment Metric (SEAM)  

Malichi Group Worldwide's - SEAM is a strategic planning metric platform for U.S. and Foreign-based enterprises to determine how well their business is prepared for going global and/or expanding globally.

SEAM was designed and developed by Malichi Group Worldwide to be an ongoing measurement of how competitive SMEs believe they are globally. Some of the measurements of assessment are: company profile, global marketing, industry, trade development (export/import), market access, trade barriers, trade promotion, government and foreign relations, and communicating overseas.   

♦ SEAM a
ssesses an organization's export/import capabilities to determine its' export readiness or global expansion.


♦ SEAM evaluates an organization's global management readiness for identifying cultural patterns, and for managing conflicts across borders. 



One way to improve your sales is by selling your product or service into an overseas market. Outside our borders are markets that represent 73% of the world’s purchasing power, 87% of its economic growth, and 95% of its consumers.


In a world of rapid change and an uncertain global economy, your ability to think, plan, and act strategically will have a greater impact on your organization's sales and profitability than anything else you do. Very often, a single change in your activities can lead to a major difference in your results. C-level executives and businesIn s owners must practice continuous improvement in every area of their business and personal life.

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